Monday, November 24, 2008

Love, Love, Love

Yesterday was Youth Sunday in the church where I am a member. It was one of the best Youth Sundays that I remember seeing in a very long time. The focus of the service was really on Love. It really reminded me a lot about the unconditional love of Christ. The love Christ had for each and every one of us when he willingly gave his life on the cross in order that we could be forgiven for our sins and made righteous in the site of God. There was a particular song in the service that literally brought tears to my eyes as I was reminded of the fact that I have personally contributed to the sins that Jesus bore on the cross.

I rejoice though that Jesus loved us so much that He would take on the burden of all sin and die in our stead so we can be forgiven. It is this love that makes life worth living. It is this love that brings us through the tough times on earth. It is this love that we must share with others. As the youth were so good at pointing out yesterday, when we experience this kind of love we can't help but want to pass it on, pay it forward I believe was the term used. The idea of paying it forward is a great way to look at the love of Christ. When you think about it, there is an awful lot of wisdom in this. Christ loved us so much that he took the brunt of our sin so we would not have to. Now obviously we can't assume sin debt for anyone but we can help take on the brunt of their pain with them. When our brothers and sisters in God's kingdom are in need, in pain, we are called into action. It is our privilege to be able to pay it forward and reach out with the love of Christ to a world that is hurting and more in need of God's love now than ever before. We are called to humbly server others in the name of our Savior. In this way, they can know His love in the time of their needs.

As we begin our week, let's focus on service to the world. Let's let Christ's light shine through our lives into the darkness of the world. Let's take the time to pay it forward in the name of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm so glad you sent me the link to your blog! If you don't mind, I will link it to my blog so others can read yours as well. In enjoy your writing style and love the fact that you always back what you are saying with scripture. Great Job! De Colores!